Is the above image too cute, too much, just right? For today’s post I thought’s I’d share some links to informational blogs and blog posts that I’ve recently discovered. All of them pertain to writing, self-publishing, finding agents, marketing yourself and the like. Get those pens ready!

“Using Twitter: Are You A Writer, A Brand, Or A Salesman?”

This post comes from self-published author Rachel Abbott. In it she discusses the many roles that authors play while on Twitter. You can be a writer and blog about your experiences writing, you can be a brand marketing yourself as a professional or a salesman building hype around your latest release. More than likely you’ll want to be all three. Any writers currently on Twitter or thinking of joining Twitter should give this post a gander. 

“How To Develop A Comp Titles List”

Publishing consultant Caren Estesen helps authors better find their market by identifying books and authors that complement their writing style and genre. If you’re sending out query letters and trying to find an agent, you need to have an idea of where and how to market yourself and your work. Think of it like the Sorting Hat from Harry Potter.

“Indie Publishing in 2013: Why We Can’t Party Like It’s 2009”

Author and “writer mother” extraordinaire Anne R. Allen gives us a breakdown of what’s currently taking place in the world of self-publishing and the impact it will have on the future. One thing I really like about Anne is how she gives her readers honest, straight-forward facts without pussyfooting around. She also has a way of making readers feel better about the tumultuous changes taking place in the publishing business. She’s a true businesswoman, and I highly recommended following her blog. She’s also on Twitter.

“5 Ways To Send Guilt A Big Fat Rejection Letter”

Writer’s Relief discusses writer’s guilt. If you’re serious are getting serious about your craft and career, you may be experiencing certain hang-ups that are holding you back. This blog post explores five problems and five solutions to your writing dilemmas.

“How To Sell Self-Published Books: Read This First”

Successful self-published author Catherine Ryan Howard gives readers the cold yet honest truth about self-publishing. You owe it to yourself and your ego to read this post if you’re thinking about self-publishing or are thinking about self-publishing. I’m considering it myself, and the more I read about it the better prepared I am for both the good and the bad that comes with self-publishing.

“Barry Eisler On Self-Publishing And The Politics of Liberty”

This is an interview rather than a blog post. Traditionally published and best-selling author Barry Eisler discusses his decision to foray into indie publishing even though he’s had such wonderful success as a traditionally published author. This shows us that even traditionally published and successful authors have realized the power and freedom of self-publishing. Barry and self-published author J.A. Konrath (another self-published success) have a free book on Amazon titled “Be the Monkey.” It’s a dialogue between the two where they discuss ebooks and self-publishing.

I believe that’s enough…for now. Before ending this post, there’s one more blog I’d like to recommend. Literary agent Rachelle Gardner always has insightful and informational posts about writing. Since she’s an agent, she has insider knowledge about query letters, how to find an agent and how to polish up your manuscript before shipping out query letters. You can also find her on Twitter.

This sharing thing isn’t so bad! I feel like since we’re all in this writing journey together we should be informed of where we’re going and how to get there. I’m thinking about posting twice a week, one day for my regular posts and another where I share useful blog posts and articles. What say you, gentle reader? Til next time.

Take care out there.